Monday 6 April 2009

The Seven Samourai

An Introduction to...Japanese Cinema The Japan Foundation presents a rare opportunity to see the famous Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa on the big screen at The Prince Charles Cinema

Japanese at Jacques Prevert with Catherine

Thursday 2 April 2009

Haru ga kita ! Spring has come !

Haru ga kita / Spring has come
Haru ga kita / Spring has come
Doko ni kita?/ Where has it come ?
Yama ni kita / It has come to the mountains
Sato ni kita/ It has come to the village
No ni mo kita/ It has come to the fields

Hana ga saku/ Flowers have flourished
Hana ga saku / Flowers have flourished
Doko ni saku?/ Where have they flourished ?
Yama ni saku/ They have flourished in the mountains
Sato ni saku / They have flourished in the village
No ni mo saku/ They have flourished in the fields

Tori ga naku/ Birds are singing
Tori ga naku/ Birds are singing
Doko ni naku?/ Where do they sing ?
Yama ni naku/ They sing in the mountains
Sato ni naku/ They sing in the village
No ni mo naku/ They sing in the fields


春が来た 春が来た どこに来た
山に来た 里に来た 野にも来た

花が咲く 花が咲く どこに咲く
山に咲く 里に咲く 野にも咲く

鳥がなく 鳥がなく どこでなく
山でなく 里でなく 野でもなく

Have fun singing Harugakita with the video in the VIDEO BAR.

Pour les fans des sept samourai de KUROSAWA

An Introduction to...Japanese Cinema
The Japan Foundation presents a rare opportunity to see the famous Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa on the big screen at The Prince Charles Cinema, complimented by a presentation about the film.

Date: Tuesday 28 April 2009

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